These are some of the pages I've come across over the years detailing other peoples visits to the site of the ED1 cabin. I also have a folder full of images I can't find the original sites for, so there will be more pages out there if someone knows any which aren't listed. ... 11195.html ... il%20dead/
There are some of the original site's for the photos I have, I know have gone offline such as; ... _cabin.htm
But you can still look these two up in the internet archive.
All the above are visits to the ED1 cabin site. I've only seen little bits & pieces about the ED2 cabin. Greg Nicotero mentions on the commentary track for ED2 that he was sent an image by someone who tracked down the cabin. It could have been this image;

That picture was first posted on the Evil Dead Interactive website. I asked Paul (the webmaster) about it a while back when I was working on adding his site into the DVD-ROM project, and he said;
I think was a picture sent in to me by some guy who actually went and tracked down the cabin to visit it. It's definitely a cool picture.
So maybe the ED2 cabin is still there or maybe not?