Premieres and Versions

We will deal with the version specificates first and then the premiere dates and cerrtification details.


There has been a raging debate about the various versions of the movie ever since it's release for home viewing. Not only was there a difference in the endings but also general differences in certain scenes throughout the film. The list that follows will compare the UK/US versions with the Australian and the infamous Japanese 'Captain Supermarket' versions.

This table shows the features available in Australia, Japan and UK versions before the introduction of the Special Edition DVDs in the States;

Ash: What are you? Are you me? Badash: What are goo? Are goo me? You sound like a jerk!
Ash: What is this? Badash: Oh, you wanna know?
'Cause the answer's easy: I'm Badash and you're Goodash.

The original US version was devoid of the above featuring only the S-Mart ending. In the UK the cinema release featured the above plus the S-Mart ending. The UK video rental and first sell-through releases were altered to the 'Apocalypse' ending. In 1997 a video version was released in the UK that featured both endings - one after another. There is currently no DVD release in the UK as of the 3rd December 1999.


What follows is a list of premiere dates and certificates from as many countries as I could find;

Premiere Dates:
Portugal: February 1993
USA: 19 January 1993
Germany: 22 April 1993
UK: 11 June 1993
Spain: 30 July 1993
France: 5 January 1994
UK: 15
France: 12
Germany: 16
Australia: M
Spain: 18
Sweden: 15
Norway: 15
Finland: K-16

The 1993 Portugese premiere was as the Fantasporto Film Festival where Sam Raimi won the Critics Award for best movie.

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