Army of Darkness by Leading Edge Games

In 1993, a now defunct "pencil-and-paper" game company called Leading Edge released a board game/role-playing game based on the Army of Darkness movie. One game and twelve blister packs of 25mm lead miniatures were released, and here are some of them for your viewing enjoyment.

Blister pack #64102, Deadites Pack #1, was the second blister pack in the series, and it featured four Deadite soldiers and one weapons rack.

The third blister pack in the series, named the "Flying Demon Pack" and numbered #64103, contained three deadite soldier miniatures and the winged Deadite that carries Shiela away in AOD.

The fourth blister pack in the series was numbered #64104, the Deadites #2 pack, and it contained four deadite soldiers and one weapons rack.

Set number five, #64105, the "Arthur Pack", consisted of Arthur, Shiela, Wiseman Tim, and a podium.

#64106 is the sixth in the series, the "Knights Pack", contained four knights and a set of shields.

The seventh pack, #64107, the "Deadite Band" pack, contained three Deadites playing musical instruments.

"Henry the Red Pack" #64109, the ninth in the set, contained Henry the Red, two knights and the blacksmith.

The tenth, #64110, the "Men-at-Arms pack" contained four knight figures and a shield.

The "Book of the Dead" pack, number eleven released in the series, #64111 featured three books, a double podium and a base for the podium.

the twelvth in the AOD series by Leading Edge was numbered #64112, and was labeled the "Deadite Siege pack". It contained two Deadite soldiers and a "Siege Machine".

Here are a few of the various miniatures, pictured painted from someone's collection.

Not pictured is an Ash blister pack, an Ash, Chainsaw and Shotgun blister pack, and a Good Ash/Bad Ash blister pack.