Evil Dead

Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn, is the second film in the cult classic trilogy. Due to the sucess of the first film, Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert, and the rest of the Evil Dead gang were able to get more money for investors for a second film. Evil Dead 2 is basically what Sam Raimi intended for Evil Dead 1 to be. So yes you could call it a remake, but it works well as a sequel in a Sam Raimish kind of way. The story and some characters were changed, but major elements of the first were kept. New actors were hired. The only actor from the first film to stay is of course our man Bruce Campbell. Ted Raimi, who worked as fake shemp in first film comes back in the second film as the possessed Henrietta. The sets and special FXs were also improved making the film even more amazing. This film has plenty of gore but is less gruesome than. Since Sam Raimi is a big Three Stooges fan, a lot of slapstick has aslo been thrown in making this film a horror comedy.

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