Zombie Film 'Fake' 2015 Trailer

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Zombie Film 'Fake' 2015 Trailer

Post by EvilDeadChainsaws »

This is a 'fake' trailer for a zombie film. It was never finished so it's just been sitting on my PC for a few years. It was basically concieved as a way to string together a number of special effects sequences without filming any of the boring inbetween bits which would be needed for a full film. I got to a point where I would need larger sequences with more people, and never got it together to film those, so there is a roughly edited start and end, but the middle is missing;

Here was a further effects test sequence I did; real arm (mine) just a fake bottle and some blood.

You can see my previous 2015 short film; 'The Lateness Of The Hour' (which was screened at the Sacramento Film Festival in April 2016), and a number of other past projects (most recent first) below, or read more via this link;


The Locations Of 'A Warning To The Curious' (1972 BBC Ghost Story For Christmas)

Book Of The Dead - Evil Dead Fanfilm Trailer (Final Third Version - 2018)

Book Of The Dead - Evil Dead Fanfilm Trailer 02 (2017 British Evil Dead fanfilm)

Book Of The Dead (2016 Indiegogo Campaign - Evil Dead Fanfilm)

The Evil Dead: A Superfan's Odyssey Documentary (2015)

The Lateness Of The Hour (2015 British Short 15min Horror Film)

Who Is This Who Is Coming... (2014 British Short 5min Horror Film)
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