Ash and batman
Only if this was the opening sequence of the film...
EXT. Top of a building
Batman and Ash are perched on the ledge of a tall building watching over Gotham City when they realizes that zombies are attacking this city.
Batman: Looks like we've got more work.
Suddenly, a door behind them opens up. Robin stands with his arms at his waists. His costume is very tight and leaves nothing to the imagination.
Robin: Holy Steel Magnolias, Batman!
Ash rolls his eyes, chops off Robin's head and throws his corpse over the building for the zombies to eat.
Ash: Pansy.
Batman laughs in agreement. Batman hears a scream and looks down to see two zombies who look exactly like his dead parents eating a young lady.
Ash: It's a trick, get an axe.
Batman: Mom! Dad! Noooo!
Batman then jumps down to talk to his parents and then is eaten alive. Ash leaves and goes back to Dearborn, Michigan to kick some deadite ass.