Within Sub Plots
 - Within the Woods
    - Plot/Cast and Crew
    - Production/Stills
    - 1979 Article
    - vs Evil Dead
    - The DVD Mystery

 - Evil Dead
 - Evil Dead 2
 - Army of Darkness
-- Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash





Four college students, two couples, decide to vacation at a farmhouse in the woods. One couple (Scott Spiegel and Mary Valenti) stay in the house playing Monopoly whilst the other couple (Bruce Campbell and Ellen Sandweiss) decide to go picnicing in the woods.

During the excursion Campbell stumbles across an ancient Indian burial ground and unearths a cross, a broken bowl and a hunting knife buried which are entombed in a shallow grave. Despite protests from Sandweiss, Campbell disturbs the grave but he assures her that he hasn't disturbed anythinig untoward. Sandweiss retreats to the picnic site leaving Campbell over the grave. He returns, they eat and eventually fall asleep under the glare of the hot sun.

Campbell, surprise, has aroused the spirit which subsequently murders, mutilates then possesses him. The demonic Campbell then chases Sandweiss back to the farmhouse where he wreaks vengeance on his friends in the name of the spirit that occupies him. He is only defeated when Sandweiss uses the ancient Indian dagger buried with the relics. So not dissimilar from Evil Dead in terms of plot (or lack thereof) but more aggressive in tone.

Virtually the same motley crew that ended up on Evil Dead:

Stars: Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Scott Spiegel, Mary Valenti
Writer/director: Sam Raimi
Producer: Robert Tapert (credited as'Rip Tapert')
Make-up F/X: Tom Sullivan

Where'd they go?:
Bruce Campbell and Ellen Sandweiss both went on to star in The Evil Dead but only Bruce stayed in acting. Ellen eventually became a full time mother before starting her own business in her native Detroit. She is currently touring with the other ladies from the Evil Dead on the convention circuit. A return to acting is also on the cards.

Scott Spiegel didn't work on Evil Dead, he was prevented from doing so by his personal work commitments. This also prevented him from becoming a partner in Renaissance Pictures. He did however co-write Evil Dead 2 with Raimi as well as becoming a director in his own right: Night of the Intruder (1989) and From Dusk Til Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999) respectively.

Mary Valenti wasn't involved in the making of Evil Dead but her mother ended up investing in the movie.