This is a preservation project of someone else's work. Credit goes entirely to Swofty for having the foresight to preserve everything you can download below. If you have any questions, you can get in touch via email at
, or contact Swofty directly via Private Message on the Deadites.net forums
UK User Swofty from the Deadites Online forums has been a member since 2001. Back then, those forums were much busier, with long gone members like Morsoth, Raimiette, Norguard, The Outlaw Torn, Prophet, Incoherent One, NamesAshHouswares (who still posts occasionally), Deus Ex Machina, Daniel, Dark Lord Ash, Kain (who was and still is the webmaster), etc... Swofty obsessively printed off huge amounts of Evil Dead material from the forums and elsewhere, because as he puts it "I knew this stuff gets lost through time when it's online so wanted to build a sort of time capsule of the Evil Dead fan scene". The vast majority of the material was dated around 2000 to 2003, but there was a smaller quality of newer material too.
The Evil Dead cabin photo (09/02/02)
The Evil Dead bridge photo (16/02/02)
Evil Dead II cabin photo (08/11/11)
some years later, Swofty mentioned this in a private message, and the idea to personally borrow and scan everything he has was agreed upon. The folders arrived by post June 22, 2012. They actually turned out to be three thick lever-arch files full of printed material, many from the late 90s and early 00s, what turned out to be 1,611 sheets of paper at 11kg! An all-in-one printer/scanner/fax machine was used, which had a scanner with an auto-feed tray. This just meant placing a stack of the papers in the top and the machine would automatically scan each one at 300dpi and save it to a JPEG file which took the best part of a day. Then it was just a matter of converting everything into PDF files with Adobe Acrobat. This created three large PDF files at 2.58GB total size.
The Evil Dead gloves sale (30/12/05)
Signed Tom Sullivan artwork
Book Of The Dead tickets (17/10/02)
Much of this information has either been amalgamated into this site, or superseded, but it's still a fantastic snapshot with virtually very sheet timestamped too. You can download the three folders below;
Huge thanks again to Swofty for taking the time and effort to preserve everything here for all future Evil Dead fans, it makes for some fantastic and nostalgic reading.