

The Evil Dead Comic Book

My comic book is on the most popular Evil Dead Site: Deadites Online. The pictures above are the preview of the pages. Click the pictures for enlarge it. Well, I'll work a lot of this comic book this summer and try to finish it. Check the Projects Page of this site for more info on the progress of the Evil Dead Comic Book.

The Comic book is based on the fist Evil Dead Movie, but some scenes are different for fit in the Evil Dead II story. The comic book isn't finished yet, and I try to find the time for return back to this job.


The Evil Dead Prequel Comic Book : The Book of the Dead

This is just a cover from my dream to see an Evil Dead Prequel. I don't plan to make the entire comic book, it's just for fun! You can see a bigger version of the cover if you click on the picture.

The cover represent a scene from Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn, when the professor Raymond Knowby, archaeologist, find the Necronomicon Ex Mortis with his wife Henrietta, his daughter Annie and a colleague and friend, Ed Getley. After, Raymond and Henrietta return to their cabin for study and translate the Evil Book. The recitation of the passages wakes up the ancients Sumerians demons and possesses Henrietta. Raymond battles the force of Evil and Burry his lovely wife in the cellar. Raymond Knowby disappear in the woods the October 9th.

This story is based on the two first Evil Dead movies, and from the Evil Dead: Hail to the King video game. I really love the Raymond Knowby character, because it's an archaeologist. If I finish the two first Evil Dead Comics, I'll maybe add the Evil Dead Prequel to my Projects List. I'll not make an Army of Darkness Comic book, because Dark Horse Comic has already created it.

Joke - Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart

It's an old drawing I made for fun...

The scene represents the Ashey J. Williams' Boss who explains to another partner the benefices of the S-Mart Store since the back of Ash. You can see Ash armed with his 12' Gauge Remington and his Homelite chainsaw for persuade a guy to purchasing at the store. Now this is no shopping, it's purchasing the important.

I'll maybe make others jokes like this. But, I'm not the best in the caricatures drawing... Some Evil Dead Fans are really great in their Bruce Campbell caricatures.

Army of Darkness Drawings

I decided to make some drawings just for pass the time. I'd choose a picture from my Evil Dead Database, and draw the picture with a pencil. After, when the sketch is finished, I take an extra fine black pen and I redraw the lines very carefully. I like work with black pen, it's easy and give a good look to drawings. I plan to make a lot of drawings from the three Evil Dead Movies, but maybe some arts will be presented in pencil, with shadows and lightning effects. Actually, I have three Army of Darkness art.

The Evil Dead Cabin

This is the Evil Dead Cabin drawings or maps by me. The first 3D Evil Dead II cabin is dated from 1999, the Blue Print version is from 2001, and the all new 3D Evil Dead II cabin map from 2002.


The Oldsmobile 1973 - Delta 88 License Plate

This is just a montage of licenses plate pictures. The number is the license is the same than the one see in the beginning of Army of Darkness: 596 IKV.

I have put the 1973 year (like the Oldsmobile's year) because the date isn't visible in the movie. The date from above [75] [74] are not good and I haven't yet changed these dates... The plate is from a picture of a Michigan State plate, like the Crew of the Evil Dead Series and the characters from the Evil Dead Movies (The Linda's shirt is a proof). So, I have put the right numbers and letters on a Michigan License Plate with Paint Shop Pro 7.



This site is optimized for 1024x768 resolution and best viewed with Internet Explorer 5+. Morsoth's Evil Dead collection is a production of Patrick Soucy © 2001-2003. All Rights Reserved. Site Version 4.0.

Morsoth's Evil Dead Site is a personal Deadites Online member site, and is strictly a non-profit resource web site. All original Evil Dead images and logos are copyright of their respected companies: Evil Dead ©1982 Newline Cinema/Renaissance Pictures; Evil Dead 2 - Dead By Dawn ©1987 Renaissance Pictures; Army of Darkness ©1993 Universal Pictures [aka MCA/Universal Pictures] / Dino de Laurentiis.