The Army of Darkness Books -
search Story

My entire search has begun with an Army of
Darkness scene. You can see the car luggage when
Ash take some books, and I searched the names on
the web for find these books. In the scene, you
can clearly see 4 books: a Steam Plant Operation
Book, a Fangoria Magazine, a DHP Comic Book and
a Chemistry Book. I own now 3 of these books. I
find the Steam Plant Operation Book on
When I seen the cover illustration, I bid on it,
and win the auction. The steam Plant Operation
Book is the 5th Edition. I searched the web at
website; browse the entire little images preview
under 1992... And I find a Fangoria issue, with
the title in red, on a white background, and
(very important fact) a human face on the left
side and a little yellow star on the other side.
The issue is the #107, and the human face is
Arnold Schwarzenegger from the Terminator 2
movie. The DHP is also difficult to find when
you don't know what it is. DHP is an
abbreviation for Dark Horse Present. I searched
the web for find a website with full DHP cover,
and I find a cover with the same character on
it. This is the 5th Anniversary Edition, very
rare issue now.
I always search for that Chemistry 101 book,
write by Bernard Garnell...
I find the A Farewell to Arms book, but search
for find the name of the other book in Evil Dead
2... |
The Steam Plant Operation Book
Steam-Plant Operation.
[Edition] 5th ed.
[Type] Book.
[Authors] Woodruff, Everett B.; Lammers,
Herbert B.; Lammers, Thomas F.
[Published] New York: McGraw-Hill,
[Description] xiii, 621 p. : ill. ; 24
[Notes] Includes index.
[Subjects] Steam power plants.
Pictures] Click
the pictures for enlarge
Why it's in the
Ash uses the book for transform the Oldsmobile
1973 - Delta 88 in the "Deathcoaster" machine.
In the movie, Ash opens the page 9, a map for a
steam construction. The "Deathcoaster" is a
steam vehicle. |
The Fangoria #107
[Main Title] Fangoria.
[Issue] #107 - October
[Type] Magazine.
[Authors] Starlog Communication
International, Inc.
[Published] New York: Starlog Communication
International, Inc.,
[Description] 84 p. : ill. ; 27
[Notes] Includes index.
[Subjects] Horror Movies.
Pictures] Click
the picture for enlarge
Why it's in the
Fangoria is a great magazine on Sci-Fi and
mainly on Horror movies. Fangoria have promoted
the two first Evil Dead movies, and Sam Raimi
made homage with the publication of this issue.
Plus, the cover figure Freddy: villain from
Nightmare on ELM Street (Directed by Wes Craven)
for continued a long reference between the Sam
Raimi and Wes Craven movies... |
The DHP Comic Book
[Main Title] DHP Dark Horse Present.
[Issue] Fifth Anniversary Special - April
[Type] Comic Book.
[Authors] Collective.
[Published] Milwaukie: Dark Horse Comics,
[Description] 116 p. : ill. ; 26
[Subjects] Comic Books.
Pictures] Click
the picture for enlarge
Why it's in the
DHP is the official publisher for the Army of
Darkness Comic Books (3 volumes). The movies
made homage and publicity for that company. You
can see the comic books covers in my collection
section. |
The Chemistry 101 Book -
I still search this Book
Title] Chemistry
[Edition] Unknown.
[Type] Book.
[Authors] Garnell, Bernard.
[Published] Unknown.
[Description] Unknown, probably 24
[Subjects] Chemistry.
Pictures] When
I'll find the book.
Why it's in the
Ash uses the book for make explosives. |
Unknown Title -
I still search this Book
Title] Unknown.
(??? ***ing Together Around the World
[Edition] Unknown.
[Type] Book.
[Authors] Unknown.
[Published] Unknown.
[Description] Unknown, probably 24
Novel - Unknown.
Pictures] When
I'll find the book.
Why it's in the
Ash use the book for blocked the metallic
container with his possessed hand. |
A Farewell to Arms Book
[Main Title] A Farewell to Arms
1949 Edition.
Modern Standard
[Type] Book.
[Authors] Hemingway,
[Published] New York : Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1949.
[Description] xxxvii, 342, [1] p. ; 22
[Subjects] Novel - World War
The Evil Dead II Dust Cover is simply a Fake. If
you look above the dust sleeve in the movie, you
can read RENAISSANCE PICTURES. You can see the
real Hard Cover under the fake Dust Cover: Black
with a large White-Green band. The sole Edition
with a similar Hard Cover colour is the 1949
Edition. And the Real Dust Cover is very similar
to the Fake Evil Dead II Cover. The "Classic
Authors" Collection in Evil Dead II resembles to
the real collection title "Modern Standard
[Real Book Cover]
This picture shows the real dust cover of this
book. The fake dust cover in Evil Dead II
replaces this one. You'll see the little "Black
& Green" Hard Cover under the dust covers and,
thrust me; the 1949 Edition is the sole book
with this kind of Hard Cover. I searched the
entire web many times, and this book is surely
the book used in Evil Dead II. The producers are
simply changed the dust cover for not made any
publicity, I think! Also, you can notice the
comparison in the Cover design...
[Fake Book Cover]
I made a replica cover for this book. It look
like the same used in the movie! On the bottom
green line, you can read "Renaissance Picture"
Why it's in the movie?
Ash use the book for blocked the metallic
container with his possessed hand.
The title is an humoristic farewell to the Ash's
hand. | | |
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© 2001-2003. All Rights Reserved. Site Version 4.0.
Morsoth's Evil Dead Site is a personal
member site, and is strictly a non-profit resource web site.
All original Evil Dead images and logos are copyright of their
respected companies: Evil Dead ©1982 Newline
Cinema/Renaissance Pictures; Evil Dead 2 - Dead By Dawn
©1987 Renaissance Pictures; Army of Darkness ©1993
Universal Pictures [aka MCA/Universal Pictures] / Dino de
Laurentiis. |