This is a detailed reference list which draws together the various memorable props from Evil Dead II, along with their possible availability as originals & replicas. For a general list of Evil Dead Trilogy props & collectables, please see the Collectables section.
While there are literally hundreds of items shown of screen across the trilogy, this list only covers props people might be interested in trying to buy or replicate themselves. Some of the information below is fact, and everything else is carefully researched guesswork. Some of you reading this may know a lot about subjects such as firearms, cars, or antique clocks, so if you have any additional information, corrections or want to know more about an item, please get in touch via the email address at the bottom of the page. Scroll down the page or use the links below to continue.
The Evil Dead & Evil Dead II Cabin Clock
The Evil Dead & Evil Dead II Reel To Reel Tape Recorder
The Evil Dead & Evil Dead II Ash's Car
Evil Dead II 'Book of the Dead'
Evil Dead II 'Kandarian Dagger'
Evil Dead II Double Barrel Shotgun
Evil Dead II Unmodified Chainsaw
Evil Dead II Modified 'Hand' Chainsaw
Evil Dead II Necklace
Evil Dead II 'A Farewell to Arms' Book
Evil Dead II Table Lamp
Evil Dead II Miscellaneous workshed items
Evil Dead II Ash's Boots
The Evil Dead & Evil Dead II Cabin Clock
This is the wooden pendulum clock hung in the cabin, seen in The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Army Of Darkness, and even the 2013 Evil Dead remake. It's an Ansonia Regulator clock named the 'Ledger No.1', an 8-day timepiece around 37" tall, 17½" wide and 5" deep, with an 13" diameter clock-face and 4½" pendulum. It was first listed in the 1911 copy of the Ansonia catalogue, although this is shown with a different paper clock-face, so the one shown in The Evil Dead trilogy would not been the original. Sam mentions in the 1999 Elite Entertainment DVD commentary track for The Evil Dead, that it was bought from an old clock store specifically for use on the production, and was modified by the store owner to allow the hands to rewind, stop, and fast-forward in real time at the flick of a switch.
Screenshot; The clock (front)
Screenshot; clock (side)
Marc's restored Ansonia 'Ledger No.1' clock
This was one of the few props which survived The Evil Dead intact. Once shooting was completed, Sam took this back and hung it in their Fearndale offices, where it remained until 1986 when he brought it with him to Wadesboro for use on Evil Dead II. What happened to it after Evil Dead II is unknown, although it most likely went back to Sam as it also appeared in the 2013 Evil Dead remake. This same clock features in Thou Shalt Not Kill... Except, along with the shotgun. It can be seen in the background of Stryker's cabin in various place through the film.
Finding an original clock for sale would would be virtually impossible, and even then the price may run into thousands of dollars as it's a genuine antique. Ansonia made a large range of such clocks, the similar but far more widely available 'Regulator A' model usually fetches from $300 to $1,000 on Ebay depending on the condition, and there are usually a couple listed at any one time. The 'Ledger No.1' is far far rarer. Only two are known to have come up for sale publicly in recent years, and both fetched a high price.
In October 2015, US fan Marc bought a matching clock on Ebay. The clock did need some work; the mechanism had been replaced with a modern battery powered version, the hands & face needed to be replaced, and the wooden frame needed some restoration work. The result is stunning and virtually identical to the screen-version. You can see it above-right.
A personally made replica of the clock
A personally made replica of the clock
Making your own replica of the clock is a much cheaper prospect, and isn't hugely difficult given you have the materials, skills, tools and machinery needed, especially given the various high quality blu-ray movie releases which can be used as a reference. A January 2013 personal pet project to make a replica is shown above, and detailed on the Replica Clock Project page. As of nearly a year later in December 2013, it's still ticking away.
The Evil Dead & Evil Dead II Reel To Reel Tape Recorder
The same tape recorder was used in both The Evil Dead & Evil Dead II it was a Panasonic Solid State RQ-706S reel to reel tape recorder. It originally belonged to Bruce's dad, and it was also used to put sound to a number of the Super-8 short films they made together. Once shooting had wrapped on The Evil Dead, Sam took this back to their Fearndale offices, where it remained until 1986 when he brought it with him to Wadesboro for Evil Dead II. It is unknown what happened to the tape recorder after this, but it would seem likely to have been kept either by Bruce or Sam, assuming it survived intact.
The Evil Dead Screenshot; the tape player
An original Panasonic Solid State RQ-706S reel to reel tape recorder
Panasonic stopped making these a long time ago as the technology became obsolete, but you can pick them up second hand on Ebay from time to time, selling in the region of $20 - $50 depending on the condition, and any accessories. The postage can be quite steep especially if you're shipping it overseas, as the player itself is quite heavy at 7.9kg. It's worth adding that finding a complete player isn't easy as most of the players listed are missing one or both of the black rubber reel retention knobs, actually you can see in the below screenshots that The Evil Dead's player was missing one, and the Evil Dead II's player missing both of them.
An The Evil Dead Screenshot showing the two reels used
An Evil Dead II Screenshot showing the two reels used
The tapes that go with it are just called reel to reel tapes, and you'd buy them either by size (if you wanted a blank one) or by what's on it (for a pre-recorded one). For the most part, plastic reels of this type come in two standard sizes (diameter); 5" and 7". The bigger the reel, the more tape you can fit on it (which means you can make a longer recording). The magnetic tape itself is 1/4" (6mm) wide. The Evil Dead features the recorder with one 5" and one 7" reel, both Scotch branded but different styles, and Evil Dead II with just has two 7" reels, one clear unbranded and one smoked Radioshack reel. You can see screenshots of both above.
Panasonic Tape Recorder Service Manual - Model RQ-706S (20 Pages, 8.26mb - 210mm x 297mm A4 at 160pi 100% compression JPEG)
Above you can download a scanned 20 page PDF version of an original Panasonic Tape Recorder Service Manual for the RQ-706S. The first 16 pages are sized to print out on A4 paper, while the last 4 are around twice that size and will need to be shrunk when printed by your PDF reader. Bear in mind that as it's a service manual, this doesn't give instructions for normal playback use, it's intended for disassembly & repair.
The Evil Dead & Evil Dead II Ash's Car
Ash's car was a 1973 gold/yellow Delta 88 'Royale' Oldsmobile 4-door hardtop, with number plate '586 IKV' (which can be seen at the beginning of Army Of Darkness) registered in Michigan, which was made by the Oldsmobile division of General Motors in Lansing, Michigan; Fairfax, Kansas; Arlington, Texas; Framingham, Massachusetts; Linden, New Jersey; and Fremont, California. The Delta 88 Oldsmobile 'Royale' and standard 'Sedan' are virtually identical, only really differing on the post between the front and back doors. The 'Royale' also has a prettier interior and cruise control.
The car in a screenshot from Evil Dead II
This car was owned & driven by Sam personally, and appeared in a number of his Super-8 shorts and most of his feature films, including more recent productions such as the Spiderman franchise. Second hand prices vary widely according to the condition. For a 100% mint/garage kept Delta 88 with low miles, expect to pay over over $5000. A model which is in serviceable condition but would need some restoration work would be in the $1000 to $1500 range. Anything under $500 would likely just be junk. Thanks to Italian fan Emanuele Crivello, you can download a high quality scan of an original 1973 General Motors 1973 Oldsmobile Catalogue below.

General Motors 1973 Oldsmobile Catalogue (10 Pages, 65.7mb - 214mm x 278mm at 600dpi 85% compression JPEG)
between August 2009 to May 2010, American fan Bryan Sanders undertook a project to restore an old dilapidated Delta 88 Oldsmobile 'Sedan', to match Ash's car, buying it for around $1500 including delivery, and investing a further $3000 in parts & labour. The minor differences between the 'Royale' and standard 'Sedan' models aside, the results are virtually perfect. While he has no intention of parting with it, he has given a rough selling price of $7000 as a guide for this site.
Bryan Sanders restored Delta 88 'Sedan' (front)
Bryan Sanders restored Delta 88 'Sedan' (back)
Evil Dead II 'Book of the Dead'
Rather than use the existing 'Book of the Dead', Tom re-designed a completely new one, as Sam wanted it to be bigger than the book made for the first film. Tom created four copies in total; one hero version with all the pages hand painted with watercolours, and three stunt versions. He also made five sets of identical lost pages. For one of these lost pages, Tom asked for a photo of Bruce posed in costume on the set to work from. Bruce turned up on the day just in rehearsal clothes; a blue shirt & white pants, and no one mentioned this to Tom, so the hero who falls from the sky was drawn wearing white pants.
The locations of all the four copies of the original screen-used books are unknown, but once Evil Dead II wrapped, Tom got at least one of the copies, and still has it to this day. It can be seen along with many other rare items; such as Bruce's fake arm from Within The Woods. From The Evil Dead; the 'Book of the Dead', the magnifying glass necklace, and various latex appliances including masks, gloves, and fake parts such as Linda's fake leg, severed head & torso. From Evil Dead II; assorted 'lost' pages from the 'Book of the Dead', the 'Kandarian Dagger', and various stop motion animation puppets. There are also a number of photo boards with many previously unpublished photos, original animation storyboards, artwork, posters, and rare magazine & newspaper cuttings.
The 'Book of the Dead' in a screenshot from Evil Dead II
Various related items, now in Tom's Evil Dead Museum
Inside the 'Book of the Dead', now in Tom's Evil Dead Museum
Because of scheduling over-runs during The Evil Dead, Tom drew up an additional contract which also stipulated that he would retain the ownership & copyright of any props he manufactured. This is something he fiercely protects to this day, which is why you're unlikely to find anyone publicly selling exact book replicas. Tom and has taken legal action against a number of individuals publicly selling replicas in the past, even with single/one-off items. Issues like this non-withstanding, there have been a fair number of replica projects, and I have 19 books and counting, listed on the 'Collectables' page. Probably the best of these was made by Tony/Antrock some years back.
'Book of the Dead' replica by Tony/Antrock (front)
'Book of the Dead' replica by Tony/Antrock (inside)
Another more recent excellent replica was completed in January 2010, made by Alex Kriescher. A 10" by 8.5" book with a 2" wide spine and 52 pages, three of which have slip cases to hold DVD discs. The cover has removable eyes & teeth allowing it to double for both the standard and animated books from Evil Dead II
'Book' replica by Alex Kriescher (front)
'Book of the Dead' replica by Alex Kriescher (inside)
Evil Dead II 'Kandarian Dagger'
The 'Kandarian Dagger' in a screenshot from Evil Dead II
After shooting on The Evil Dead was completed, Sam took possession of the original dagger, along with the original 'Book of the Dead', and it remained with him until 1986 when he brought it with him to Wadesboro for use on Evil Dead II.
Tom was brought back on board, and he remodelled this original dagger into a new one; he redesigned the blade from a simple pointed piece of metal to a tail-like tapered set of bones, which was sculpted by Mike Trcic & Brian Rae, Tony Ellwood made a mould and cast copies of the original hilt, and then both hero & stunt copies of the knife were produced.
Once Evil Dead II wrapped, Tom got the hero dagger back, and still has it to this day. It can be seen along with many other rare items; such as Bruce's fake arm from Within The Woods. From The Evil Dead; the 'Book of the Dead', the magnifying glass necklace, and various latex appliances including masks, gloves, and fake parts such as Linda's fake leg, severed head & torso. From Evil Dead II; the 'Book of the Dead' along with assorted 'lost' pages, and various stop motion animation puppets. There are also a number of photo boards with many previously unpublished photos, original animation storyboards, artwork, posters, and rare magazine & newspaper cuttings.
The original Evil Dead II 'Kandarian Dagger' in Tom's Evil Dead Museum
Because of scheduling over-runs during The Evil Dead, Tom drew up an additional contract which also stipulated that he would retain the ownership & copyright of any props he manufactured. This is something he fiercely protects to this day, which is why you're unlikely to find anyone publicly selling exact dagger replicas. Tom and has taken legal action against a number of individuals publicly selling replicas in the past, even with single/one-off items. As of May 2010, Tom stated in an interview with us that he is currently working on a 'Kandarian Dagger' replica, available as both a finished hand painted prop, and a self assembly kit, so look out for this in the future.
The Evil Dead II 'Kandarian Dagger' replica, unpainted kit by LeMarchand
Unofficial replicas have still been made. By far the best was produced by a Dutch fan called LeMarchand in March 2008. Clay was used to sculpt up the handle on a frame, which was then inset with bones taken from a Skillcraft 'Visible Man' kit, along with some real chicken bones. The blade was sculpted separately, and moulds were made of both to produce solid resin pieces, which used around 700ml of resin. To make the moulding easier a number of the protruding bones were added afterwards, making a total of 17 parts, at about 20" long.
LeMarchand's Evil Dead II 'Kandarian Dagger' replica, assembled with a modified blade & painted (side)
LeMarchand's Evil Dead II 'Kandarian Dagger' replica, assembled with a modified blade & painted (front)
Soon after they were advertised as a for-sale kit, Tom contacted LeMarchand citing his copyright, which prohibited him from selling any more, but I was one of the lucky few who managed to get one. Upon receiving and comparing the kit to the screen-used dagger, I calculated the full length should actually be around 24" long, making the kit's blade 3.5" short, as well as too narrow at the hilt. I also found the sculpt was lacking in detail, many of the smaller and more intricate bones present on the screen-used dagger were missing here, and some that were there, were in the wrong place or at the wrong angle. I sculpted a longer & wider hilt to the blade, moulded and resin-cast a new one, assembled the kit, painted it up with enamel model paints. The one shown in the photos above belongs to Danish fan Jesper Mørch. I modified his blade as well as my own, but he did the paint-job.
Tom Sullivan's official Evil Dead II 'Kandarian Dagger' replica, at Tom's booth at the 2013 Cinema Wasteland
In 2013, Tom Sullivan began selling official Evil Dead II 'Kandarian Dagger' replicas at $250 each, above is a photo taken at Tom's booth at the 2013 Cinema Wasteland, where it was pointed out that each casting is hand painted by Tom. If you interested in getting one, contact Tom through his website Dark Age Productions
Evil Dead II Double Barrel Shotgun
This is a break open side-by-side 12-gauge double barrel shotgun, which is most likely to be a Stevens 311-C made by Savage Arms in Westfield, Massachusetts USA. A number of the 311 range of shotguns look quite similar to the gun used, including the 311-R, but the 311-C is the only one which matches the plain flat-sided foregrip. This shotgun comes with 26" barrels as standard, but near the end of the film, Ash shortens the shotgun barrels down to around 13".
Savage Arms no longer makes these shotguns, so they can only be bought second hand, where you would expect to pay around $100 to $300 mark depending on the condition. Obviously, being a real firearm, some sales restrictions will apply, and it may simply not be available depending on your location.
Ash holding the shotgun in a screenshot from Evil Dead II
It is unknown if this was bought especially for the production or owned by one of the crew, nor is it known what happened to it once shooting on Evil Dead II had wrapped, a different make & model shotgun was used in Army Of Darkness.
A 12-gauge double barrel Stevens 311-C with 26" barrels, made by Savage Arms
Evil Dead II Unmodified Chainsaw
The unmodified working chainsaw as seen in the headless-linda workshed sequence, is a Homelite XL petrol chainsaw with a 14" guide bar. the word 'Unmodified' is being used to differentiate it from Ash's modifed 'hand' chainsaw, although there were a couple of little alterations made, such as the grill added to cover up the 'Homelite XL Automatic Oiling' logo on the side of the saw's body, the original plastic pull-start handle substituted for a larger wooden dowel handle, the removal of the black plastic protector from the front, and chopping off a section from the top of the black side handle so it only connects with the saw body at the bottom end instead of at both ends. Given that Vern Hyde's crew made the modified 'hand' chainsaws, it would seem likely that they bought this original too, but it is unknown what happened to this saw once shooting on Evil Dead II had wrapped, presuming it survived the production intact. This working saw wasn't shown in Army Of Darkness, although the Evil Dead II modified 'hand' chainsaws were.
The unmodified chainsaw in a screenshot from Evil Dead II
Homelite XL's come up for sale fairly regularly on Ebay, and are usually very cheap. You can expect to pay anything up to $100 depending on it's condition. Please be aware that there can be slight variations between Homelite XL's depending on the year they were made, but you can tell the correct model by the shape of the top-centre handle which loops tightly back into the top of the body, rather than widely looping round to the bottom of the body. further to this, there are also two identically looking types of body, one made of metal, and the other of plastic. The saw seen in Evil Dead II was plastic, but Which one you get comes down to personal preference. If you intend on modifying the saw the plastic body would be far easier to work with. It's worth noting that the longest correct fitting guide bar you can properly attach to this saw is 18". Longer guide bars generally have a different type of connection/fitting with the saw, so wouldn't easily fit a Homelite XL without being modified and even then would be quite dangerous to use on a fully working saw.
The correct model Homelite XL petrol chainsaw with a plastic body & 14" guide bar
Evil Dead II Modified 'Hand' Chainsaw
Ash with his 'hand' chainsaw in a screenshot from Evil Dead II
There were a unknown number of slightly differing 'hand' chainsaws, but there had to be at least two; one hero and one stunt version. They were constructed by Ellis 'Sonny' Burman at Cosmekinetics in Northridge, California, from a real Homelite XL saws, the hero saw had its engine replaced with a smaller 12v electric motor, allowing Bruce to fit his hand inside and making silent for filming while the chain was still. Fake exhaust smoke was fed into the saw via a tube that ran down Bruce's pants leg and out twenty or so feet to a tobacco smoker, and the chain's teeth were filed down for safety. This 'safe' saw was also used in a number of other places earlier in the film, mainly double for the unaltered dangerous working saw, such as the sequence where Ash cuts off his own hand, and when the headless Linda's torso puppet attacks Ash in the workshed. There was also an unaltered fully working real saw, and foam rubber & lightweight stunt reproductions, each to serve for different purposes, although the continuity between them doesn't quite follow between any of them, as they all have varying body styles and guide bar lengths.
Given that the various saws took quite a beating over the production, it isn't clear if any of them actually survived intact. During the scene where Ash is attacked by Linda's headless corpse in the workshed, for instance, you can see the top handle of the saw breaking off. It is likely, that anything worth keeping would have been stored away for possible use on Army Of Darkness. There was an unconfirmed internet rumour some years back stating that one of these modified chainsaws had sold at auction in LA, but its unclear if that related to an item from Evil Dead II or Army Of Darkness.
A lightweight stunt version of Ash's chainsaw created by Ellis 'Sonny' Burman at Cosmekinetics in Northridge, California is the best place to get replica chainsaws. While expensive, they are the most accurate & detailed replicas by far. They were formerly available as both deluxe working saws with a rotating chain & smoking muffler, and non-working standard saws, but currently you can only buy the non-working saws. There are also three different styles/models to choose from; two from Evil Dead II and one from Army Of Darkness. Because of the varying continuity between the saws, the three models were somewhat of an amalgamation of the differences; The 'Cabin' model is a replica of the chainsaw seen throughout Evil Dead II, wherever you see the saw being worn, and in addition it's used in the scene where Ash cuts off his hand, and in parts of the scene in which Ash is attacked by Linda's headless corpse. (minus the wristband). The 'Workshed' model saw is a replica of the chainsaw seen being built in the workshed by Ash & Annie, and also closely matches the lightweight stunt chainsaw used in parts of the scene in which Ash is attacked by Linda's headless corpse (minus the wristband). The third 'Medieval' saw is based on the design from Army Of Darkness. 'Cabin' model chainsaw replica
Other than, the only other current option for buyers, is Ebay. Replicas of varying quality come up from time to time, produced by a number of users including PlaidPineapple (Adam), NitrousTanker (Dan Roach), and Nick1985-2009, among others. They all seem to replicate the 'look' of the Evil Dead II saws, and there is no one known to be currently selling Army Of Darkness style saws. There doesn't seem to be anyone who owns or defends the copyright on this prop, so people are fairly free to make and sell replicas as they please. 'Workshed' model chainsaw replica
Evil Dead II Necklace
This is a silver necklace with a small magnifying glass inset. Ash gives this to Linda in The Evil Dead, and again to the same character in Evil Dead II. Sam had conceived the climactic scenes of The Evil Dead to happen slightly differently; the dawn light would come in through a cabin window, shine through the magnifying glass burning the 'Book of the Dead'. Ash was to have seen this and realized that the Book needed to be destroyed on the fire. The inclusion of this plot device in Evil Dead II is unlikely, so it's appearance seems simply down to it's inclusion in the first film.
Evil Dead II Screenshot; The necklace pendant
Evil Dead II Screenshot; The full necklace
Evil Dead II's necklace isn't the same as the first two used in The Evil Dead. While it's very similar, and it could have been made by the same company, it's make and model are currently unknown. It's never shown on screen with a box.
It's unknown what happened to either the originl or re-shoots necklace after The Evil Dead wrapped, but after Evil Dead II, that third necklace was passed on to Tom, who displays it in The Evil Dead's re-shoots box, alongside many other rare items; such as Bruce's fake arm from Within The Woods. From The Evil Dead; the 'Book of the Dead', and various latex appliances including masks, gloves, and fake parts such as Linda's fake leg, severed head & torso. From Evil Dead II; the 'Book of the Dead' along with assorted 'lost' pages, the 'Kandarian Dagger', and various stop motion animation puppets. There are also a number of photo boards with many previously unpublished photos, original animation storyboards, artwork, posters, and rare magazine & newspaper cuttings.
The Evil Dead II necklace, now in Tom Sullivan's Evil Dead Museum
Although it is unlikely that replicas of any of the three necklaces would throw up any copyright issues, there is currently no one publicly producing replicas of this piece. Commissioning a jewellery designer to produce a bespoke custom replica may be an option, but would likely be quite expensive.
Evil Dead II 'A Farewell to Arms' Book
The top book in the stack of three Ash puts on top of the upturned bin containing his severed hand, is A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway. While the book was re-covered by the production, possibly to prevent any copyright issues, the book inside was still the same. You can tell this as you can see the front of the original hardback cover through the heavily worn & torn 'fake cover', along with the cover only stretching halfway around the back, allowing you to see the original cover.
Evil Dead II Screenshot; The book with a 'fake' cover
An original 'A Farewell to Arms' by Ernest Hemingway
There are a long list of printings with varying cover & dust-cover artwork, but it's the Modern Standard Authors first edition, published 1949 (novel originally published 1929). Scribner's printing code J-11.59 on copyright page, indicating 10th printing with printing date of November 1959. You can pick this up quite cheaply on Ebay, and if you live outside the USA, shipping will invariably cost you more than the book itself.
Evil Dead II Screenshot; The back of the 'fake' cover
The original book as above, without the outer dust cover
The 'fake' dust cover titles the book 'A Farewell to Arms', Classic Authors, Renaissance Publishing. This cover only stretches two-thirds round the back, as you can see the visible portion of the book's green hard cover in the above-left screenshot, presumably either because the designer never thought this would be seen, or this was the maximum size the design could be produced. A personally created replica printable PDF version of that 'fake' cover can be found below, although you'll need an A3 printer to print it off in one section, ideally on matte 160gsm paper. It's designed to be double sided, with the cover printed on the front of a sheet of A3, and a yellowed plain paper to be printed on the reverse. The PDF is exactly A3 sized, so assuming it's printed borderless then both sides should roughly be printed in the same central position.
'A Farewell to Arms' printable fake cover (front)
'A Farewell to Arms' printable fake cover (back)
Once printed it will look brand new and will need to be distressed in order to match the screen version. Using the above screenshots as a comparison, you can see there are three tares in the front of the cover (top edge, lower-central and bottom edge) and heavy distressing along all the folds and edges. Rubbing the surface with a Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Scourer will sand away the ink and roughen the edges of the paper, although it may take a few attempts to get the right look. You'll also need some double sided tape to hold the cover tight to the back of the book.
'A Farewell to Arms' fake cover, printed, distressed & folded around original 'A Farewell to Arms' book
'A Farewell to Arms' fake cover (unfolded front)
'A Farewell to Arms' fake cover (unfolded back)
Evil Dead II Table Lamp
Evil Dead II Screenshot; the table lamp
Screenshot; the side
The table lamp shown on Professor Knowby's desk next to the Tape Player, Dagger & Book Of The Dead, is currently unidentified. What is known is that this type is known as a 'Bankers Lamp' it's style is Art-Deco, and it was probably made in the early part of the 20th century, and like the clock, is probably quite an expensive antique by now.
It's unknown where this lamp came from, nor is it known what happened to it after production on Evil Dead II wrapped, a similar but less ornate Bankers Lamp is used on the desk in the re-cap sequence of Army Of Darkness. If anyone can shed any light on this, please get in touch via email.
Evil Dead II Miscellaneous workshed items
There are various miscellaneous items shown in on the workshed shelf in close-up. Firstly, a blue Fix-Tite rubber repair kit - consumer size can. The red shop-size cans are far more widespread on Ebay, but the smaller blue cans do come up from time to time. Alongside this is a 6oz glass Coca-cola bottle, of which the words 'Trademark' and 'Min Contents' can be made out underneath the logo. The design subtlety changed a number of times over the years with different writing underneath the logo, but the identical original bottle shown in the below-right photo was made in Roanoke, VA, probably in the 70s or 80s. Finding a matching one on Ebay is simply a matter of checking close-up photos of each one till you find a match.
Westclox 'Big Ben' Clock
Evil Dead II Screenshot; The workshed shelf with various items in close-up
Fix-Tite & Cola bottle
The small clock shown between the two is a 1935 Westclox Big Ben Style 4a with the Loud Alarm (Catalog Number: 201, Base ID & Factory Number: 48D). It came in several different finishes, but this one seems to match the model with the dark Gun metal body and nickel trim. The standard version came with an ivory white clockface when new. The one shown on screen is yellow/orange, which is most likely down to heavy aging.
Evil Dead II Screenshots; a Fuller 10" Pipe Wrench
a Craftsman 3/8" metal cased electric drill
Three other items in the workshed of note, have also been identified; a red Fuller 10" Pipe Wrench is seen lying on the bench, and Annie uses a Craftsman 3/8" metal cased electric drill to drill the back of the chainsaw as it's being modified. Lastly, at the far end of the workshed bench, a small fan can be seen. While it's hard to tell, it's probably a Zero brand Electric Fan, likely model 08499 or 10498, which both look almost incidental and feature the same three parallel vents either side of the motor.
Evil Dead II Screenshots; a Zero brand Electric Fan, likey model 08499 or 10498. The side vents can just be seen in the right photo.
Evil Dead II Ash's Boots
While not strictly a 'prop', Ash's boots were identified by Mexican fan Beto Matali, so are being included here should any fans want to track down a pair for an Ash costume. They're vintage 1970's Italian made leather & canvas olive green ASOLO super scout boots. Ash's Army Of Darkness boots are also ASOLO super scout, but a more recent 1980/90's pair in grey.
Evil Dead II Screenshot; Ash's screen worn boot
Evil Dead II Screenshot; The sole of Ash's boots
As they're vintage, they may be one of the harder items to track down from this page, as unlike many other entries, they the majority of pairs bought at the time would have been worn and trashed. Any pairs out there are likely to be cheap however, as there is nothing particularly special about them as a vintage item.
An original pair of ASOLO super scout boots (side)
An original pair of ASOLO super scout boots (soles)
Here is a tiny related detail many fans will have missed, picked up on by UK fan Rhys Johnston in March 2021. After Ash falls through the portal in Evil Dead II, the tip of his right boot is missing. Assuming this is deliberate, it's likely continuity from Ash having his boot in Rotten Apple Head's mouth just moments before.
Ash's right boot, missing its tip, in a screenshot from Evil Dead II