
Along with all the other Super 8 Shorts, Within The Woods was scored with music taken from other motion pictures around at the time, although it isn't general knowledge which ones. It's Murder for example, draws heavily on music from a couple of Hitchcock films, and Clockwork uses Michel Polnareff's Lipstick score. You can listen to the soundtrack below, and see more details on the tracks used further down.

Within The Woods Complete Fanmade Score

This was a personal project, and is currently the only way fans can hear the complete score. It was edited from a combination of sources including retail CDs, Records, and MP3s. Putting the soundtrack up for download would raise copyright issues, but you can listen to a stream-only version through the media player below.

Please note; We don't wish to tread on anyone's toes, simply to allow fans to listen to material they can't officially buy. If there are still any copyright holders out there would rather their audio was not included here, please send over an email, and it'll be immediately removed.

Soundtrack Identity Project

This project has been running project for quite some time, to try to identify all the tracks used. It began in 2002, but it was never a project that lent itself to active completion, mearly passively waiting until new tracks were recognized. The project was finally completed in August 2011, when the final two tracks were identified.

Death Wish
US Poster

Invasion Of The Body
US Poster

On Her Majesty's Secret
US Poster

The Deadly Mantis
US Poster

US Poster

US Poster

The Eyes Of Laura
US Poster

The film borrows heavily from two scores; Michael Winner's 1974 film Death Wish (composed by Herbie Hancock), and Philip Kaufman's 1978 remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers (composed by Denny Zeitlin), but also draws from a number of other diverse films such as On Her Majesty's Secret Service, The Deadly Mantis, Jaws, Sorcerer, and The Eyes Of Laura Mars, as well as a couple of disco songs by artists Rickie Lee Jones, and Sister Sledge, and even a track from Prog rock group Jade Warrior. You can see the complete list of the tracks below. The version of Within The Woods which the tracks have been synced up to is taken from the generally available 'Sam Raimi Short Films' bootleg DVD, which is NTSC at 29.97fps with a total running time of 30mins 41secs.

Timeline From -> Timeline To (Total Clip Running Time)
Original Film Title - Original Track Title
(Track From -> Track To = Clip Running Time @ Pitch Stretch, if needed)
Action on screen during track
00:04:23 -> 01:40:00 (01:35:06)
Death Wish Score - Paint Her Mouth
(00:06:20 -> 01:48:00 = 01:41:10 @ 106.40%)
Credits/Moving through swamp to cabin & dead body/Title Screen
02:19:12 -> 02:42:24 (00:21:04)
Rickie Lee Jones - Chuck E's In Love
(00:41:17 -> 01:05:22 = 00:24:03 @ 103.00%)
Radio music, Bruce talks about indian territory/Scott & Shelly play monopoly
02:49:18 -> 03:04:07 (00:14:18)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Flight
(00:12:28 -> 00:27:16 = 00:14:18 @ 103.00%)
Swing chair bangs against cabin as Bruce & Ellen walk off. Please note; it's too short, low quality & mixed with other sounds, to be 100% sure on this identification
03:04:08 -> 04:59:21 (01:55:14)
Jade Warrior - Waves (Part 2)
(12:21:20 -> 14:17:06 = 01:55:13 @ 103.50%)
Bruce & Ellen walk into the woods for the picnic
06:15:17 -> 06:38:08 (00:22:20)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Infiltration (Suite)
(02:33:25 -> 02:56:23 = 00:22:28 @ 101.00%)
Bruce digs up the old indian dagger & shouts to Ellen
07:25:24 -> 07:34:22 (00:08:28)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Infiltration (Suite)
(02:14:13 -> 02:23:10 = 00:08:28 @ 100.00%)
BAAA! Bruce & Ellen are asleep/A roaring fire starts next to them
07:37:28 -> 08:10:01 (00:32:00)
Sister Sledge - We Are Family
(00:42:28 -> 01:16:04 = 00:33:05 @ 103.50%)
Radio Music, Scott & Shelly play monopoly
08:10:01 -> 09:41:06 (01:31:05)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Main Title
(02:37:03 -> 04:08:09 = 01:31:05 @ 100.00%)
Ellen wakes up & Bruce is gone/Ellen Shouts for him while searching the woods
10:10:09 -> 10:14:04 (00:03:25)
Death Wish Score - Paint Her Mouth
(01:44:06 -> 01:48:00 = 00:03:25 @ 100.00%)
Fallen Ellen looks up to see Bruce's dead body
11:01:09 -> 11:31:11 (00:30:02)
Death Wish Score - Paint Her Mouth
(01:17:28 -> 01:47:29 = 00:30:02 @ 100.00%)
Ellen hears noises & realises something is coming towards her
11:31:12 -> 13:03:05 (01:31:21)
Death Wish Score - Suite Revenge
(06:05:12 -> 07:37:02 = 01:31:21 @ 100.00%)
Ellen runs from the evil spirit and runs upto the cabin door & starts banging on it
13:06:24 -> 13:38:09 (00:31:15)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service Score - This Never Happened To The Other Feller
(03:13:23 -> 03:45:23 = 00:32:01 @ 101.70%)
The spirit advances on Ellen/Scott gets up for a beer/Ellen frantically tries to find the right key
13:38:09 -> 14:09:27 (00:31:16)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service Score - This Never Happened To The Other Feller
(03:15:10 -> 03:47:12 = 00:32:02 @ 101.70%)
Ellen frantically tries to find the right key/Ellen drops the keys & Scott grabs her hand at the last moment
14:17:02 -> 14:24:03 (00:07:01)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Flight
(00:33:03 -> 00:40:03 = 00:07:01 @ 100.00%)
The spirit retreats into the woods
14:24:03 -> 14:33:27 (00:09:24)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Flight
(00:42:04 -> 00:51:27 = 00:09:24 @ 100.00%)
The sun is setting, it's now nigh time
14:33:27 -> 15:26:26 (00:52:28)
Sorcerer Soundtrack - Tangerine Dream - Abyss
(00:08:00 -> 01:01:00 = 00:53:22 @ 101.50%)
Ellen recounts her story to the others/Scott goes outside to look for Bruce
17:20:22 -> 18:59:24 (01:39:03)
The Deadly Mantis - Irving Gertz, William Lava - Theme
(00:00:07 -> 01:39:10 = 01:39:02 @ 103.00%)
Shelly opens the back door to see if she can see anything/Bruce pops out, kills her & stabs her with a cross/Ellen shuts & locks the back door then goes to the kitchen
19:11:24 -> 20:18:15 (01:06:23)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Rescue
(00:12:19 -> 01:19:11 = 01:06:23 @ 100.00%)
Ellen walks through the cabin hearing noises/Someone is trying to open the front door/Ellen accidentally stabs Scott when he bursts in
20:24:13 -> 20:31:08 (00:06:25)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Infiltration (Suite)
(02:16:03 -> 02:22:27 = 00:06:25 @ 100.00%)
BAAA! Bruce pops up at the window grabbing at Ellen
20:31:11 -> 21:07:02 (00:35:20)
The Eyes of Laura Mars Score - Laura At Warehouse
(00:32:26 -> 01:08:18 = 00:35:19 @ 102.70%)
Bruce walks round to the front door, Ellen is trying to move Scotty's body
21:07:03 -> 21:41:08 (00:34:06)
The Eyes of Laura Mars Score - Laura At Warehouse
(00:32:17 -> 01:06:25 = 00:35:19 @ 103.60%)
Ellen pulls scott's body out of the way & slams the door on Bruce's hand/Ellen stabs his hand and she properly shuts the door
22:16:17 -> 23:47:08 (01:30:21)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Main Title
(02:37:12 -> 04:08:04 = 01:30:21 @ 100.00%)
Ellen walks down the cellar steps/Ellen finds the gun
23:50:29 -> 24:39:20 (00:48:19)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Angel of Death
(00:00:00 -> 00:48:19 = 00:48:19 @ 100.00%)
Ellen comes out of the cellar/Searches the cabin
24:39:20 -> 24:46:24 (00:07:05)
The Eyes of Laura Mars Score - Laura's Nightmare
(01:56:20 -> 02:03:26 = 00:07:05 @ 100.00%)
Ellen sees Scott's body has been stabbed with the cross
24:47:11 -> 24:50:23 (00:03:12)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Score - Infiltration (Suite)
(02:16:03 -> 02:19:14 = 00:03:12 @ 100.00%)
BAAA! Bruce pops up behind Ellen
25:44:20 -> 26:38:20 (00:53:28)
Jaws Score - The Underwater Siege
(00:20:25 -> 01:14:24 = 00:53:28 @ 100.00%)
Bruce's severed hand lands on the monopoly board/Ellen tries to get out a window/Bruce pulls her back/They struggle/Ellen stabs him with a knife/They struggle again
26:38:20 -> 27:12:07 (00:33:15)
Jaws Score - The Underwater Siege
(01:20:29 -> 01:49:28 = 00:33:15 @ 100.00%)
They continue struggling
27:12:07 -> 27:25:03 (00:12:26)
Jaws Score - The Underwater Siege
(00:24:29 -> 00:37:29 = 00:13:00 @ 101.00%)
Ellen stabs bruce with the dagger
28:21:17 -> 28:54:14 (00:32:28)
The Eyes of Laura Mars Score - Laura At Warehouse
(00:31:25 -> 01:04:25 = 00:32:27 @ 106.00%)
Bruce & Ellen fight/Ellen chops Bruce up with an axe
29:36:23 -> 30:12:08 (00:35:16)
Jade Warrior - Waves (Part 2)
(12:24:27 -> 13:00:15 = 00:35:15 @ 103.50%)
Ellen cries/Scott pops up in foreground
30:19:15 -> 30:40:11 (00:20:26)
Sorcerer Soundtrack - Tangerine Dream - Search
(00:00:27 -> 00:22:02 = 00:21:05 @ 101.50%)
End credits

Should you wish to track this list of titles down, it's worth noting that a number of these cues such the ones taken from The Eyes Of Laura Mars, have never been released on CD and were only ever available on LP records. Others may be available, but quite expensive to buy.