Here you can see PDF files & image scans of printed material relating specifically to the 80s game. The idea behind this page is to provide fans with an online resource, and prevent material from being forever lost. Some items have been personally scanned at 600dpi, others have been found online at some point in the past, so the specs can really vary.
We don't wish to tread on anyone's toes, simply to preserve material for future fans. If there are still any copyright holders out there would rather their items were not included, please send an email to
, and they'll be immediately removed.
One note; there are three issues of Retro Gamer magazine which also cover the Evil Dead 80s game. As this title is still in print, they have not been included here for download, but should you want to search them out, they are Retro Gamer #001 (January 2004), Retro Gamer #117 (June 2013), and Retro Gamer #213 (November 2020).
Computer & Video Games - July 1984 (3 Pages, 29.1mb - 209mm x 294mm at 600dpi 85% compression JPEG)

Evil Dead Commodore 64, BBC & Spectrum Game Artwork (20 Images, 34.5mb - Various Dimensions at 85% compression JPEG)
The Evil Dead Game - C64, BBC & Spectrum Magazines - 1983 to 1989 (64 Pages, 21.7mb - Various Dimensions at 85% compression JPEG)