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 - Evil Dead
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 - Evil Dead 2
 - Army of Darkness
-- Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash

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SPECIAL THANKS to the BBFC for compiling this history for me.

THE EVIL DEAD was originally passed 'X' for cinema release in 1982. 49 seconds of cuts were made to obtain the 'X' certificate. A number of small cuts were made throughout the film to reduce the overall amount of gore and detailed violence (eg the repeated twisting of the pencil into the ankle). Although some examiners found the film funny - and well made - others were quite squeamish about it. It was therefore felt that, given the potential for some people not to 'see the joke', it would be better for the film to be reduced slightly for national release.

Later in 1982, the cut version (i.e the version passed 'X' by the Board) was released on video. It was soon added to the DPP's list of 'video nasties' and was seized by the police from video stores around the country - despite the Board's protests that it had been properly classified by us. At a landmark case in 1985, the film's publishers (Palace Video) were charged with distributing an obscene publication at Snaresbrook Crown Court and acquitted. As a result of this the DPP said that there should be no further prosecutions of the film. However, given that the film had (prior to 1985) received a number of convictions in regional courts the Board was reluctant to pass the film on video in its present form. As a result of the 'video nasty' scare, horror standards were generally tightened up post-1984 and it was felt better to allow some water to flow under the bridge before considering again what was one of the best known 'nasties'. In 1990, James Ferman made a number of further cuts to the video - totalling 1 minute 6 seconds - and finally agreed to pass the video '18' in this version. In total, 1 minute 55 seconds had been removed (49 seconds of film cuts and 1 minute 6 seconds of additional video cuts).

The cuts made to THE EVIL DEAD for an 'X' certificate in 1982 were as follows (49 seconds removed):-

Reel 2 - remove prolonged screwing into ankle of pencil (point may be seen going in and resultant bleeding, but turning of pencil in wound must be removed).
Reel 3 - (i) reduce sight of Shelley chewing off her hand; (ii) remove close shots of Scotty chopping Shelley's hand and legs off; (iii) reduce to a minimum sight of fluid spewing from Linda's mouth after falling on dagger.
Reel 4 - (i) reduce sight of Linda's hand tearing into Ashley's leg; (ii) reduce to minimum bashing of Linda's head and body with wooden post; (iii) reduce trunk gushing blood after head is cut off; (iv) reduce to one blow only smashing of fingers in door; (v) reduce to establishment sight of eye gouging; (vi) remove blood gush after stake into side; (vii) reduce zombie's smashing into Ash's back with poker.




The additional cuts made to the 1990 video version before it could be classified '18' were as follows (another 1 minute 6 seconds removed):-

At 25 minutes - reduce sight of woman being 'raped' by creepers by removing (i) creeper binding around her breast, (ii) creeper wrapping around her thighs and up skirt, (iii) legs being pulled apart, (iv) branch shooting
into crotch.
At 41 minutes - reduce bloody clawing at man's face, removing second shot entirely.
At 42 minutes - reduce scene of man defending himself against zombie attack by removing (i) 2nd shot of zombie's wrist being cut, (ii) most of 2nd shot of zombie biting its own wrist, (iii) 2nd shot of knife in zombie's back with stump of arm feeling for it; also reduce (i) spewing of liquid from mouth, (ii) spurting from stump of arm and (iii) chopping of body with axe [this last to be reduced considerably].
At 55 minutes - shorten sight of female zombie licking blood from knife and sight of blood from her mouth when she falls on knife.
At 61 minutes - reduce sight of zombie clawing man's leg; also reduce sight of bashing zombie with post and subsequent sight of headless zombie spurting blood onto man as it lies on top of him (2nd shot to be removed entirely).
At 72 minutes - remove end of shot in which stake is pulled out of zombie's thigh.
At 76 minutes - reduce final spurting of blood and entrails, removing explosion of blood onto hero's face.







When the Board was asked to consider the film again in 2000 we decided that, by present standards, the effects were comical and unconvincing and therefore none of the original cuts should be required. Public attitudes had also shifted, our public consultation in 1999-2000 having revealed that the public felt that people should be free to watch what they wanted at the adult level, provided it was neither illegal nor harmful. It was passed '18' uncut for the first time.