Within Sub Plots
 - Within the Woods
 - Evil Dead
    - Cast and Crew
    - Origins and Early Days
    - Production
    - Deleted Scenes
    - Premieres
    - The Name Game
    - Edits and Bans
    - Posters and Stills
    - Music / Soundtracks
    - DVD

 - Evil Dead 2
 - Army of Darkness
-- Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash


Please note that this section is carried over two pages. Check bottom of this page. 1 | 2 >>

The origins of the Evil Dead lie in Raimi's university days. It was here that Raimi and his filmmaking cohorts first made horror movies as opposed to comedies and sowed the seeds that would lead to the movies financing incentive - Within the Woods - and a few experimental movies made with a few thousand dollars in dormitory bedrooms.

'MSUCF' or the Michigan State University Society of Creative Filmmaking was set up by Raimi and Robert Tapert whilst they were studying together at Michigan State University. The MSUSCF was formed as a creative outlet for their new independant films and also served to distribute some o fthe old Raimi/Bruce Campbell collaborations made during their high school days.

As time passed the society grew to include new members such as amateur effects artist Tom Sullivan, cinematographer Tim Philo and movie fan/long time friend Scott Spiegel all of whom would come to play their part during the 'The Evil Dead' process. They knew Spiegel but who were the new guys: Sullivan was a self taught make-up effects artist, Philo was an enterprising cinematographer. Spiegel was an old friend of Bruce Campbell's and had been making short films in various capacities along with the rest of the guys. Of course when I say 'short movies' what I mean by that are amatuer 8mm movies made with Kodak reel-to-reel cameras, common in the 60s and 70s.

The films the MSUSCF started to make fresh were mostly comedic culminating in the big budget flop 'It's Murder!': slapstick buffoning with Nazi's and other crazy characters (don't ask). Other notable features made included:

The Happy Valley Kid (1977)

Story: A student abused by his professors and dumped by his girlfriend who goes mad a week before his final exmas
Cast: Rob Tapert (credited as 'Rip Tapert', ivan Raimi, Scott Spiegel, Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi, Ruth Taubman, John Cameron, Pierre LaBlanc, Josh Becker, John Kata.
Trivia / Production Notes: - Title role was to be played by Ivan Raimi but he said he was too busy
- Made for $750, it made $1500 with on campus screenings
- Was announced as a future project by Renaissance pictures after 'The Evil Dead'.
Stills / Images:

Raimi and Tapert

It's Murder! (1978)

Story: A slapstick, murder mystery
Cast: Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Ted Raimi, Richard Smith, Cheryl Gutteridge, Bill Aaron, Matt Taylor, Tim Quill, John Cameron and Monty the Bulldog
Trivia / Production Notes: - Sullivan drew up fliers to promote the film
- Film cost $2000..it bombed financially
- First collaboration between Raimi and f/x man Tom Sullivan
Stills / Images:

Tom Sullivan's
promo poster

The Cast

A Promotional flyer


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